Arut-perun-jyothi   Arut-perun-jyothi

Thanip-perung-karunai   Arut-perun-jyothi

The Quest for Immortal Life

All happens according to the Divine Plan – the evolution into the Immortality. The supreme aim of existence is to refound life in the truth of Immortality – the Immortal Life is the blissful greater Life Divine in the deathless Body Divine embodying and manifesting the divine Truth-Consciousness with the Supreme-Grace-Light. Let this be your goal of life.

The birth of a human being on Earth is meant for the progress of life – to rise higher and higher to become an immortal being, the one who has become Immortal would perfectly manifest the Divine in Life – the divine Gnostic Life.

The Arutperunjyothi Almighty God has sent His Son, the deathless divine master Chidambaram Ramalingam also known as Thiruarutprakasa Vallalar, the Holy Munificent of the Radiant Grace to lead the living beings to follow the Light-Principle of Suddha Sanmargam, the immortal path for the transformation of mortal being into immortal being and enjoy the eternal Bliss in this life itself on Earth – the Immortal’s ecstasy.

Vallalar says that God is only One, the Eternal is Self-Existent, the Infinite is the Nature Divine, the Absolute Divine upholds all, the immanent Divine pervades all, the One Divine is the Source of all. Vallalar says that the Supreme Divine is in the Form of Light, and he calls the Divine as the Arut-Perun-Jyothi Andavar, the Lord of the Supreme-Grace-Light. He asks us to adore the Supreme Master with the soul-love for the Divine and the soul-compassion for living beings, and ardently worship only the One Divine Arutperunjyothi – God of all.

Vallalar’s path of Immortality is the Suddha Sanmargam. The Divine Lord of the Supreme-Grace-Light has blessed the world with the Suddha Sanmargam, the path of Truth. The deathless sanmarga master Vallalar leads the Suddha Sanmargam as willed by the Supreme Lord Arutperunjyothi. Suddha Sanmargam is the pure state of the Divine. Suddha Sanmargam is the pure spiritual path, and it is the path for all, a general pathway for the humanity to attain divinity and immortality – the divine way of life. Sanmargam is the greatest need of the world.

Vallalar says, follow the Suddha Sanmargam and completely surrender to the Supreme Divine and supplicate the Supreme Lord – the Arutperunjyothi Almighty for Him to bestow the Supreme-Grace-Light on you to attain the Immortal Life. The Supreme Lord Arutperunjyothi alone has the power to transform you into a deathless divine being – the Supreme-Grace-Light alone can transform mortal life into the Immortal Life.

Whatever is born will die is a commonly held belief, although it might be a fact of falsehood in the lesser reality, but death is conquerable in the greater reality of Truth Divine – Vallalar is a pioneer in Immortality. According to Vallalar, the Immortality is the true natural state and the mortality is an unnatural state caused by falsehood. Therefore, cling to the Truth and have an immortal aspiration – learn Sakakkalai, the art of deathlessness and pursue it sincerely to attain the Immortality – a life in progress towards the Immortal Life is a life worth pursuing.

Vallalar has attained the siddhis of triple-body, the Suddha-Pranava-Jnana Deha Siddhis and then become the imperishable Form of the Supreme-Grace-Light and living the blissful greater Life Divine in the deathless Body Divine embodying and manifesting the divine Truth-Consciousness in the Supreme-Grace-Light with all the divine Siddhis and the five-functions of the Divine. Vallalar has become perfectly one with the One Divine Arutperunjyothi. The Immortal Life of Vallalar is the greatest milestone in the history of divine evolution – the ultimate divine attainment.

Vallalar’s magnum opus Thiru-Arutpa, The Holy Songs of Grace is the sacred book of Suddha Sanmargam – the scripture for all. The divine works of Vallalar (Thiruarutpa) is the supreme guidance to grow into the Immortal Life. The life of Sanmargi is to live the Supernal Life – ever-living a divine purpose of life.

Vallalar leads the world by self-example with the Will of the Divine. Vallalar has put before you the greatest ideal of Immortal Life that you need to envisage as the ultimate pursuit of life – the ever-living of a blissful greater Life Divine in an imperishable form of the Grace-Light. Your sincere quest for the Immortal Life would help you attain the supreme Divinity by Grace of God Arutperunjyothi – Vallalar says that the one who has a deathless Body like the Sun* is the one who has supreme Divinity. NB: * The Supreme Divine is the Sun, not the planet sun.

Vallalar’s magnum opus Thiruarutpa, The Holy Songs of Grace is the sacred book of Suddha Sanmargam – the scripture for all. The divine works of Vallalar, Thiruarutpa, is the supreme guidance to grow into the Immortal Life. The life of Sanmargi is to live the Supernal Life – always living a divine purpose of life on this world and other worlds.

The Grace of God can only accomplish everything. Seek the Supreme Grace with a sincere and one-pointed following of the path and go on the path of Immortality without a doubt of the ultimate success, surely you cannot fail. Vallalar says, "I convey the words of the Lord Divine, and the words are not mine." Therefore have faith and follow all that need to be followed in order to attain the divine state of deathlessness. Is it possible? Yes, it is possible; Vallalar achieved it and assures the aspirants the ultimate success of the Immortal Life.

Vallalar emphasis the manifestation of compassion, the Jeevakaarunya Ozhukkam, the discipline of compassion – compassion on living beings, seeing in every living being your own self, non-killing, taking vegetarian food, offering vegetarian food to the needy, etc. It is necessary to become the embodiment of divine Compassion and to follow the Truth-Principle of the Suddha Sanmargam for the true way of life, and manifesting the quality of the soul is to lead a spiritual life. Jeevakaarunyam is the way of worshipping the Divine and receiving the Divine Grace. It is the Divine Compassion and the Divine Principle that shall raise you to the supreme summit of the Divine.

Aanmaneya Orumaippaadu, the soul-brotherhood and oneness on which Vallalar placed the emphasis would bring peace and harmony into the world. Every individual’s divine realisation and divine transformation and divine manifestation would help the transformation of the world – the transformative divine movement that raises the world to the Divine with the Supreme-Grace-Light.

This is the triple glory of the Immortal Life: Realisation, Transformation, and Manifestation. He who has realised the triple realisation of the Divine – the Divine Self Individual, the immanent Cosmic Divine, and the Transcendental Divine Arutperunjyothi is sure to get transformed into the Immortal Life – the divine living of a blissful greater Life in a deathless Body on Erath and also in the other worlds – the Supernal Life.

Two things are required to attain the Immortal life, of you, the sincere quest, and of God, the bestowal of the Supreme-Grace-Light upon you.

May Vallalar lead you! May Arutperunjyothi Almighty bless you! May your quest for the Immortal Life be fulfilled! May all beings live blissfully! May all the worlds be brightened up with the Grace-Light! Glory to Vallalar! Glory to the Arutperunjyothi Almighty!

The call for the Immortal Life

O peoples of this world, celestial world, and other worlds,

Befuddle not by regarding thy life as the esteemed life,

In this birth, the life that has overcome the trouble of death

In the darkness within, is the Life or else not life at all,

So valuing it supremely, deeming it to attain, when thou comest here

With sincere self-aspiration, my personal Divine Absolute, the sole Father,

At this divine moment, to effect it in thee, performs the Siddhi-Play

In the dwelling Jnana Siddhipuram, this is the certitude.

Pilgrimage to Vadalur

Vadalur is a holy place due to the birth of Vallalar and the divine centres that he had established and the highest and unique realisation since the creation of the worlds that Vallalar attained. Vallalar lived in Vadalur for about 15 years, and continuing to live in his deathless divine form – he attained Immortality, he wrote his most part of the divine work Thiruarutpa in Vadalur. The pilgrimage to Vadalur would be of greatest help to your life, especially the Divine Help for the evolution into Immortal Life. Have a happy pilgrimage to Vadalur.

Blessings of Jyothi Darshan

The Sathya Jnana Sabhai is the unique Sanctuary in the world for the worship of the Supreme Divine Arut-perun-jyothi (Supreme-Grace-Light) and receiving the blessings to attaining Siddhis – the Immortality. Vallalar as per the commandment of God established it in the year 1872, Sathya Jnana Sabhai means the Gnostic Centre of the Supreme Truth – the divine Truth-Consciousness. The first Jyothi Darshan took place on the Thai Poosam – 25 January 1872. The Jyothi Darshan takes place on monthly poosam days. Have a happy Jyothi Darshan and be blessed.

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