Arut-perun-jyothi   Arut-perun-jyothi

Thanip-perung-karunai   Arut-perun-jyothi

Blessings of Jyothi Darshan



Jyothi Darshan in Sathya Jnana Sabhai, Vadalur, Tamil Nadu, India

on the propitious Poosam Days
and the important days in Vallalar Dheiva Nilayam (Vallalar Divine Centre), Vadalur 2024-2025





16 April 2024 Tuesday Monthly Poosam Jyothi Darshan — Time 7.45 pm to 8.45 pm
13 May 2024 Monday Monthly Poosam Jyothi Darshan — Time 7.45 pm to 8.45 pm
24 May 2024 Friday Dharmasalai Anniversary Day —— Sanmarga Flag Hoisting at 7.30 am
10 June 2024 Monday Monthly Poosam Jyothi Darshan — Time 7.45 pm to 8.45 pm
07 July 2024 Sunday Monthly Poosam Jyothi Darshan — Time 7.45 pm to 8.45 pm
03 August 2024 Saturday Monthly Poosam Jyothi Darshan — Time 7.45 pm to 8.45 pm
27 September 2024 Friday Monthly Poosam Jyothi Darshan — Time 7.45 pm to 8.45 pm
05 October 2024* Saturday The Advent of Vallalar (201st Birth Anniversary of Vallalar)
Thiruarutprakasa Vallalar was born on 5th October 1823
Arutperunjyothi Agaval Recitation at Dharmasalai at 5 am
Sanmarga Flag Hoisting at 7.30 am, at Dharmasala
Special Worship at Sathya Jnana Sabhai at 9am
24 October 2024 Thursday Monthly Poosam Jyothi Darshan — Time 7.45 pm to 8.45 pm
24 October 2024 Thursday Sanmarga Flag Hoisting Day at Siddhi Valaagam-Time 7.30 am
20 November 2024 Wednesday Monthly Poosam Jyothi Darshan — Time 7.45 pm to 8.45 pm
18 December 2024 Wednesday Monthly Poosam Jyothi Darshan — Time 7.45 pm to 8.45 pm
14 January 2025 Tuesday Monthly Poosam Jyothi Darshan — Time 7.45 pm to 8.45 pm
10 February 2025 Monday Sanmarga Flag Hoisting for Thai Poosam Festival in the Morning
11 February 2025 Tuesday Thai Poosam Jyothi Darshan
Yearly once, the most auspicious day, the biggest festival
Time 6 AM, 10 AM, 1 PM, 7 PM, 10 PM & the next day 5.30 AM
13 February 2025 Thursday Darshan of the Holy Room of Vallalar at Siddhi Valaagam
Only the front view of the Holy Room — Time 12 noon to 6 pm
10 March 2025 Monday Monthly Poosam Jyothi Darshan — Time 7.45 pm to 8.45 pm
06 April 2025 Sunday Monthly Poosam Jyothi Darshan — Time 7.45 pm to 8.45 pm


NB: Monthly Poosam Jyothi Darshan mentioned above is according to the Tamil Calendar and therefore, sometimes, Poosam may come twice in an English month.

*Vallalar's birth anniversary is on 05 October according to Gregorian calendar system, and 04 October 2024 (this year) according to Tamil month (Purataci) and star (Chiththirai). 



The Sathya Jnana Sabhai is the unique Sanctuary in the world for the worship of the Supreme Divine. The deathless divine master Ramalinga Vallalar with the Supreme Will built this Sanctuary in the year 1872 and named it Samarasa Suddha Sanmarga Sathya Jnana Sabhai. Sathya Jnana Sabhai means the Gnostic Centre of the Supreme Truth (The divine Truth-Consciousness) and it is the Sanctuary of Light for the adoration and worship of the Arut-perun-jyothi Aandavar (meaning the Divine Lord of the Supreme-Grace-Light). The Sathya Jnana Sabhai is an octagonal shape shrine facing south direction. The long chain around the Sathya Jnana Sabhai is made of iron metal that is not rusted till date. The metal rings have two holes and they are connected together in a line as if a single mould and it is said that it signifies the two nostrils of nose through which human beings breathes. The first Jyothi Darshan took place on the Thai Poosam – 25 January 1872.


The Jyothi Darshan takes place in Sathya Jnana Sabhai on every Poosam days. What is Poosam? Poosam is a star name. Poosam is a propitious star and it is one of the brightest stars. It is said that Poosam signifies a Gnostic fulfillment. There are total seven veils before the Jyothi (the Light), the veils are unveiled during the Jyothi Darshan (6 veils are unveiled during the monthly Poosam Jyothi Darshan and all seven veils are unveiled during the Thai Poosam (Thai is the name of the Tamil month and Thai Poosam comes either in January or February). These veils represent the mayas – the illusions blocking the radiance of the Soul, the Self-Light as well as the Supreme-Grace-Light - the Supreme Divine. These veils are as follows:


1. Black colour veil – signifies Mamayai (Maya Saththi, Asuddha Maya Saththi)

2. Blue colour veil – signifies Aaruyir (Suddhaa Suddha Maya Saththi)

3. Green colour veil – signifies Paraveli (Kiriya Saththi)

4. Red colour veil – signifies Chithuru Veli (Para Saththi)

5. Golden colour veil – signifies Poruluru Veli (Iccha Saththi)

6. White colour veil – signifies Meipathi Veli (Jnana Saththi)

7. Mixed coloured veil – signifies Karudhu Anupavam (Adhi Saththi)


The significance of Sathya Jnana Sabhai is to lead us to realise the Self-Light within us as well as the Supreme-Grace-Light in the Supreme Abode above (the transcendental Suddha Shiva Veli) and everywhere – the realisation of the Supreme-Grace-Light within and without. Here in this Sathya Jnana Sabhai a lot of divine miracles and wonders would take place according to Vallalar and it is taking place. Here one would get enlightenment and all Siddhis (the divine powers and the divine perfection – the divine transformation), therefore, Vallalar also calls this holy place as a Siddhipuram – the Sanctuary of Siddhis.


Vallalar has advised people who take non-vegetarian food and kill living beings to avoid entering the Sathya Jnana Sabhai. One should follow Jeevakaarunyam (compassion on living beings) and also other spiritual disciplines (Indhiriya, Karana, Aanma and Jiva Ozhukkam) to go inside the Sathya Jnana Sabhai. The rules of Sathya Jnana Sabhai must be followed and the sanctity of the Sathya Jnana Sabhai should be maintained. This Sanctuary would help everyone to receive the Arulamudham – the nectar of the Grace and Arutsaththi – the Grace Power and the supreme Grace-Light if each and every one who goes there maintains discipline and silence and open to the Arutperunjyothi Almighty with ardent adoration. Vallalar calls all to receive the Supreme-Grace-Light, how wonderful it would be to heed the great call. Vallalar says that those who come to Vadalur may get good boons. Get a great boon (transformation of life) and live divinely – The Immortal Life ( The Blissful Living of a greater Life Divine in a Deathless Body).


Those who come to Vadalur may get good boons! − Vallalar



Jyothi Darshan in Sathya Jnana Sabhai, Vadalur on Poosam Days


Every month on the propitious Poosam Day (actually the Poosam Star comes once in 27 days cycle according to Tamil calendar), the Jyothi (the Light) is shown by unveiling 6 veils between 7.45 PM and 8.45 PM approximately (In this 1 hour, 3 times the Jyothi (the Light) is shown – each time 15 minutes approximately and 5 minutes pause will be there in between the Jyothi Darshan). Note the last veil ― the seventh one remains there covering the one third of the portion from the top approximately. On Poosam days, hundreds and thousands of devotees come to Vadalur to have the Jyothi Darshan in Sathya Jnana Sabhai.


Thai Poosam is the biggest festival in Vadalur. The most auspicious day is Thai Poosam, on the Thai Poosam Day (once in a year, in the Tamil month of Thai that comes in January or February), in the Sathya Jnana Sabhai, the Jyothi (the Light) is shown by unveiling all the 7 veils at 6 AM, 10 AM, 1 PM, 7 PM, 10 PM and the next day 5.30 AM – each time the Jyothi (the Light) is shown for about 1 hour. (In this 1 hour, 3 times the Jyothi (the Light) is shown – each time 15 minutes approximately and 5 minutes pause will be there in between the Jyothi Darshan). On Thai Poosam, very great numbers of devotees (several lakhs of people) visit – Vadalur is thronged with devotees and pilgrims.


Come to Vadalur to have the Jyothi Darshan. During the Jyothi Darshan, avoid talking and socialising. Do concentrate only on the Jyothi Darshan – it is time for prayer and worship and glorification of the Arutperunjyothi Almighty and it is also a time for receiving the Divine Grace of the Arutperunjyothi Almighty. Have Jyothi Darshan and carry with you the supernal blessings of Vallalar and the nectar of supreme Grace-Light of the Arutperunjyothi Almighty.



Daily Poojai in Sathya Jnana Sabhai, Vadalur


The daily poojai is performed in the Sathya Jnana Sabhai. There another earthen oil lamp is kept before the veils for worship. (NB: The Darshan of the Jyothi behind the veils is only on the Poosam days.)


Daily Poojai Time: 11.30 AM to 12 Noon, and 7.30 PM to 8 PM


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